Olimpia Lalli
In 1986 Olimpia Lalli gained a diploma in Art at the Institute for Ceramic Arts "Gaetano Ballardini" of Faenza, Italy. In 1995 in Faenza she graduated in Design from the ISIA, Institute of Higher Education For Industrial Art And Design. Following a number of years with Syn Design, working on product design and the photographic communication of these products, she began working as a professional architectural photographer with specialist publishers such as L'Archivolto and Motta Architettura, as well as contributing to specialist trade journals. Olimpia has developed her portfolio receiving commissions from important industrial brands for the creation of advertising images. In parallel with professional commissions, Olimpia has pursued a career in artistic photography, mounting exhibitions and collaborating with established artists.
2009 - "Giardini"- a solo exhibition curated by the cultural association "Punti di vista" critical text by Marco Sangiorgi - Photographic Workshop Lugo di Romagna - Ravenna.
2009 - "Opus Phographicum - tessere di memoria per il futuro" exhibition curated by Maria Chiara Zarabini and cultural association "Punti di vista" - with the patronage of the Culture Department of the city of Reggio Emilia/ Il Mauriziano/ Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia - ODA Arts Workshop Reggio Emilia.
2008 - "Prima dello sguardo" - photographs by Giovanni Collina, Olimpia Lalli, Francesco Neri, exhibition with the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna and the Art Museum of Ravenna the former church of Santa Maria dell Croci - Ravenna.
2006 - "Opera K 123456/7 per celletta n.17" - contribution to contemporary art exhibition "Ora e-labora"
curated by Giovanni Gurioli - Campus degli Incamminati ex Convento dei Cappuccini, Modigliana (FC).
2006 - "11,45 p.m. – 05,32 a.m." - photography of Olimpia Lalli with music by Giovanni Dal Monte, slide show "Fotografie al Cubo" curated by Filippo Romano- projections at the media bookshop degli Atellani, Milano.
2005 - "Ionosfera sfera del cielo" epiphany of cosmic objects – Olimpia Lalli, Franco Stanghellini, Silvia de Martin, curated by cultural association Diatonia - Museo Carlo Zauli – Faenza.
2005 - "Al di là dello specchio" (Beyond the mirror) – Photographic investigations into childhood – exhibition curated by Altrimenti - Artificerie Almagià (cultural association) Ravenna.
2004 - "Ionosfera sfera celeste" epiphany of cosmic objects – Olimpia Lalli, Franco Stanghellini -
Bookshop Gallery L'Archivolto - Milano
2002 - "Recisi" - Tasacasa (contemporary interior design components)-Bagnacavallo (RA)
1995 - "Works" painting and photography - Sala dell' Annunziata (ex S.Apollonia) - Imola (BO).
1994 - "La differenza" - exhibition curated by Enrico Lombardi, Oratorio del SS.mo Crocefisso - Meldola (FC).
1993 - "Via dell'Appennino" - seminar exhibition with Guido Guidi, George Tatge and Paolo Costantini Oratorio S.Sebastiano – Forlì.
1990 - Biennial Young Artists of the Mediterranean – Photography Section, Marseille. |